Longact intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is a small, t-shaped flexible plastic frame with horizontal and vertical arms. The vertical arm has a copper wire wrapped around it and two colored threads at the lower end. Copper ions from the IUD create an environment that causes sperm to break apart. The nylon threads (tail), which stick out through the cervix into the vagina, allows the woman to check whether the IUD is in place or not. Longact is effective for up to 12 years. It can also be used as emergency contraception.

intrauterine contraceptive device
Longact (Loop)
Longact IUCD is one of the most effective contraceptive methods. As typically used, only 0.7% of women become pregnant in the first year of use.

Health Benefits
In addition to pregnancy prevention, Longact IUCD may help reduce the risk of uterine (endometrial) and cervical cancers.
Who can use Longact
Nearly all women of childbearing age can use LongAct safely and effectively, including women who
- Are of any age
- Married or not married
- Have or not have children
Who can’t use Longact
- Known or suspected pregnancy
- Vaginal bleeding
- Malignant disease of the genital tract
- Infections of the genital tract
- STIs during the last 12 months
- History of ectopic pregnancy or predisposing factor
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Uterine malformation (congenital or acquired)
- Allergy to copper

Side Effects
Some users report the following:
- Changes in bleeding patterns (especially in the first 3 to 6 months) including:
- Prolonged and heavy monthly bleeding
- Irregular bleeding
- More cramps and pain during monthly bleeding
Frequently Asked Questions